Monday, December 16, 2019

first semester reflection

  during this first semester i believe I've learned a lot, from photoshop to going beyond a concept for a project. the quality of my work sometimes isn't the greatest but with the knowledge that i have now, second semester should be easier in a way to complete and nail the projects. completing my work on time sometimes isn't an issue but of course I've slacked off and turned in late assignments. effort wise, i try to do my best with what i have.. so i try to picture in my head what would be most logical and continue from there, usually i get other better ideas along the way and just try different things until i get the most ideal picture (to me) for my project. i do enjoy looking at there peoples work just because not everyone thinks the same, so its just interesting to see everyone else different ideas. but with mine, i am positive with it as well. if i look at the project in a bad manner then my project won't be good at all, but if i just stick with it, everything will just work itself out. I'm always on time to class, when i know theres something that i need to get done i stay as focused as i can. but theres times where i 100% slack off. I'm definitely more confident in a way, i have stronger ideas coming forward and my whole work ethic has improved, in my opinion. what I'm going to do second semester is to try to go more out of the box, to try different things and to try not to get discouraged when I'm not really knowing what to do in a project, idea wise.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

the last girl.

seeing the full picture, no i know i was way off but it is really interesting, the picture by itself is immaculate, just beautifully done. the area, and the people in itself just give it more personality.  to describe the picture i would say, that the picture is of a little girl, the picture is pretty zoomed onto her, so you can only see from the neck up. the little girl has these big blue eyes and curly/wavy blonde hair. she has a little makeup on but not a lot. its a seperarted picture that they are putting together piece by piece. its in an industrial area, a lot of metal things around. the intended audience is everyone, its not targeting a certain group i don't think. i think she is content, i don't think she's portraying or giving off any emotions. the title though is explaining that she could be the last little girl in the planet.

the last girl exercise.

i think whats going on in this post/picture  is that a little man person is climbing up this woman face. artistic image, yes the image is photoshopped. i think that this picture is trying to show a man climbing into a woman mind, into her thoughts. to show the man climbing up into her head, this image doesn't say much to me. it adds on because how small he is and showing him mid-motion of climbing up just is better.

Monday, October 7, 2019

jenny wanderlust

she seems adventurous, cool, trendy, fun, and playful. yes she is successful in portraying those characteristics. not entirely, i dont know what she looks like or how she acts.

Monday, September 9, 2019

the general premise of this video is that this society is glued to technology, whenever something major happens it has to be recorded and ignored. yes its effective in conveying its message, its pretty much showing that if someone was out there to help the girl or be her friend it wouldve helped her not commit suicide, which is extremely upsetting that in todays world, it has to come to that. Its kind of both, a warning and a main theme in our social situation, technology rules the world theres no doubt.