Thursday, December 12, 2019

the last girl.

seeing the full picture, no i know i was way off but it is really interesting, the picture by itself is immaculate, just beautifully done. the area, and the people in itself just give it more personality.  to describe the picture i would say, that the picture is of a little girl, the picture is pretty zoomed onto her, so you can only see from the neck up. the little girl has these big blue eyes and curly/wavy blonde hair. she has a little makeup on but not a lot. its a seperarted picture that they are putting together piece by piece. its in an industrial area, a lot of metal things around. the intended audience is everyone, its not targeting a certain group i don't think. i think she is content, i don't think she's portraying or giving off any emotions. the title though is explaining that she could be the last little girl in the planet.

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