Thursday, February 27, 2020

a letter to the past.

if me now, could talk to past me about this class i would tell her these things, to 1. pay attention to photoshopping! it isn't easy so just try to pay attention and don't get distracted cause i know you get distracted easily. 2. think outside of the box!! don't go with your first idea because normally someone else would have that same idea and you and someone else would have basically the same project/picture. 3. take more photos!! don't just take like 5 photos and call it a Day, try different angles and listings and things like that. 4. and then don't be afraid to ask questions about anything you're confused on.

i chose this photo as my most successful photo because i met all the requirements and i think it looks pleasing to the eye, its an evolution of different days and locations of sunsets. I'm in love with the sunsets and how beautiful they are, i just capture the moment and i combined them together into one nice photo.


during this first semester i believe I've learned a lot, from photoshop to going beyond a concept for a project. the quality of my work sometimes isn't the greatest but with the knowledge that i have now, second semester should be easier in a way to complete and nail the projects. completing my work on time sometimes isn't an issue but of course I've slacked off and turned in late assignments. effort wise, i try to do my best with what i have.. so i try to picture in my head what would be most logical and continue from there, usually i get other better ideas along the way and just try different things until i get the most ideal picture (to me) for my project. i do enjoy looking at there peoples work just because not everyone thinks the same, so its just interesting to see everyone else different ideas. but with mine, i am positive with it as well. if i look at the project in a bad manner then my project won't be good at all, but if i just stick with it, everything will just work itself out. I'm always on time to class, when i know theres something that i need to get done i stay as focused as i can. but theres times where i 100% slack off. I'm definitely more confident in a way, i have stronger ideas coming forward and my whole work ethic has improved, in my opinion. what I'm going to do second semester is to try to go more out of the box, to try different things and to try not to get discouraged when I'm not really knowing what to do in a project, idea wise.

thats what i wrote during first semester, so its now third quarter so some time has passed since ive written this and theres little to no progress. I've been slacking pretty bad this whole quarter because senioritis is kicking me in the booty. but thats no excuse for me just being lazy and not setting time aside and doing my projects for this class. i would grade myself an F just based off of the effort I've been bringing not this class this past quarter.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

the importance of art

   i disagree with this statement because not everyone would want to join the force,its not everyones passion in life so people should have the opportunity to do their own thing and be able to do art and music and other things without being ashamed or feeling like they'll get hated unfair making art.
   without art or music, life would be extremely boring. there would be no music festivals which, raise a ton of money and a ton of people to an area so that city would be losing money. art galleries also raise a ton of money and awareness to the beauty of art. period.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

cubism responce

i think there was around 30 pictures. no, they appear to be taken on different days because some show rain and bad days, others show bright sky. i believe the exposure was used. you can see the contrast throughout the different photos. think the angles in which the photos were taken in impact the project greatly. also, the people and heir actions add character to the photo.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


what art? 1

1. the mood of the images is dark and gloomy, the models seem very stern/strict, their posture is stiff, not really doing much.
2. i believe this is a painting and the technique of using different colors to make a shape is insane for someone to do that and it be so clear that its an object let alone a person.
3. the colors set a grungy/dirty type mood to both of the pictures with one or two bright colors to stand out.
4.i think maybe the artist is trying to convey some type of issue, maybe to spread some type of awareness to depression or something like that. i think the effort was successful, the paintings are beautifully done.