Thursday, February 27, 2020

a letter to the past.

if me now, could talk to past me about this class i would tell her these things, to 1. pay attention to photoshopping! it isn't easy so just try to pay attention and don't get distracted cause i know you get distracted easily. 2. think outside of the box!! don't go with your first idea because normally someone else would have that same idea and you and someone else would have basically the same project/picture. 3. take more photos!! don't just take like 5 photos and call it a Day, try different angles and listings and things like that. 4. and then don't be afraid to ask questions about anything you're confused on.

i chose this photo as my most successful photo because i met all the requirements and i think it looks pleasing to the eye, its an evolution of different days and locations of sunsets. I'm in love with the sunsets and how beautiful they are, i just capture the moment and i combined them together into one nice photo.

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